Rory Update

The new vet was lovely, as was the vetinary nurse that was there to assist and I was really impressed with the animal hospital as a whole. They have a separate waiting area for cats and exotics with feliway plug ins and there was feliway in the exam room too. They both greeted Rory with soft voices and lots of attention before they started poking and prodding her about.

Poor Rory has a nasty abcess on her upper gum, swollen glands and a high temperature 😦 The vet reckons the pressure from the abcess could well have effected her eye. There was nothing but healthiness to be found in her actual eyeballs – Thank the Starry Skies!!

She has to have 2 enormous antibiotic pills a day (at the same time O_o and a squirt of liquid anti inflammatory pain relief. That should clear up the infection.

But we have to monitor her eyes over the week until her check up just in case there is an underlying neurological problem.

And 😦  my Rory needs dental surgery. But she cant have that until she loses some weight 😦

It was an expensive day.  £15 in taxi fares, £73 at the vets and a further £40 on low calorie cat food and toys designed to help clear tartar from cat’s teeth. Plus a new toy just for Rory to encourage her to be more active.

I do not understand how we didnt know about the abcess. I was mortified when I saw it – it looks *so* sore 😦   I have had cats all my life apart from 3 yrs and we’ve never had a cat with dental problems.

We suspect it could be because Rory “hoovers” her dry food instead of crunching it.

So a new feeding regime begins in the morning. They will all be having “light” dry food. This is available to them at all times as usual.

Wet food – Rory has her low calorie stuff and will be fed at the same time as the others but in a different room. And if they dont eat all of it, it gets binned. We dont want Rory having access to normal food the others save til later.

Treats – well either 100% chicken jerky or special dental treats for Rory. No more cheese, bless her. Although we got the antibiotics into her by mixing the contents of the capsules with a bit of cream cheese. But the anti biotics are pretty damn important right now.

So, on the one hand I am relieved, but I won’t fully relax until her check up next week. And we have the challenge of the weight loss and the dental surgery ahead.

We knew she was overweight, but she is also taller and longer and has much denser fur than the other two, but apparently the scales say she is flat out unable to have surgery.

She’s such a homebody though. Zoe and Mitch can be outside for hours at a time and they leave the garden. Rory doesn’t. She spends most of her time keeping me company and goes out for just a few minutes at a time.

But this is an incentive for me as well. If I go up or downstairs, Rory follows me. If I go into the garden, she comes too. So, in order to get Rory more active – I will have to be too.

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21 Responses to Rory Update

  1. I didn’t see your update when I last commented. I’m glad it’s not super serious (I know it’s serious, but I’m glad it’s not extremely serious, you know?). There are these great feather wand toys you can get to play with cats. That might help her get more active without aggravating your pain. I’m glad she’s going to be ok. Cats are mysteriously good at hiding pain.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Moongazer says:

      They really are! Although after her meds last night I noticed a difference in her (for the better), and she laid on her back for a really long tummy rub 🙂 She hasnt done that for a while. Those feather wands are good, arent they 🙂 They are Zoe’s favourite. She’s funny. She walks off with them, dragging the stick between her legs, tail in the air lol.
      I found Rory a wand with a small ball of wool on it. She took to it straight away and fell asleep with it between her paws 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. plus+beauty27 says:

    Sorry to hear about all Rory’s troubles. I hope he gets to feeling better soon! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. lydiaa1614 says:

    I am glad you have answers. It sounds like you have a lot of work ahead of you to get Rory into shape for her surgery. I am so sorry that either of you have to go through this. But we will do anything for our beloved furbabies. Sending gentle hugs for both of you. By the way, what is a feliway?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Moongazer says:

      Thank you Lydia xx yes, a lot of work but worth it. They are so like small children in the way that they depend on us and can’t understand whats going on. She came for a long tummy rub last night and fell asleep on her new toy 🙂 so I think she’s forgiven me for the trauma of the taxi ride.
      Feliway is a brand of products that help to calm cats down. I believe its pheremone based. You can buy plug in vapourisers and sprays too. Its helpful during times of stress such as house moves, firework nights or even just moving things around in the house. Its good stuff 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. magickmogwai says:

    So relieved it’s not more serious than it is. My sisters cat gets abscesses a lot from being in fights and he always heals just fine so I’m sure Rory will. I agree with Rebekah that the feather wands are great, I have one that gets even my laziest cat Jenny moving 😉 hopefully Rory’s weight will drop off and she can have her teeth done soon.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Moongazer says:

      Thank you xx She has a fair bit of weight to lose and she has just tucked into a sachet of the low calorie food as if she hasnt eaten for a week LOL But she’s eaten more in one go than she normally eats o_O

      Liked by 1 person

  5. pd says:

    so to sum up, fat sedentary sofa-cat with poor diet, LOL.

    Going to be fun feeding them separately.

    We never had cat with dental problems either, some have had tartar on teeth, one vet years ago just flicked it off with his finger nail.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Moongazer says:

      Oh Paul, that’s not fair. She has the exact same diet and treats as the other two and we don’t feed them crap cat food either. They have Go-Cat dry food and either Felix sensations or those little cans of ‘premium’ wet food.
      She just doesnt exercise like the others 😦
      We’re hoping that these chewy cat toys will help clear the tartar while she slims down.


  6. beverley says:

    Poor Rory. Maybe you will have to put her out more and refuse to let her in until she has run round the garden a few times 🙂 Thankfully i don’t have that problem, my cat is mad and is never still, but i think it is a gender difference and the fact that he is only two.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Moongazer says:

      That’s a thought! I might give it a go once the infection has cleared up. But I have visions of loud pathetic meowing and lots of scratching, with the appearance of paws at the glass panel half of the door 😦
      Thing is we have a cat flap – she can go out whenever she wants. But if one of the humans is in the kitchen both Rory and Mitch will ask to be let out. I think they just like to show us who’s boss lol.


  7. vpark3 says:

    Aww what a shame it’s so hard to get cats to lose weight, much harder than dogs! Maybe get her one of those electronic mice to chase in between your play sessions with her, keep it fun. I hope her check up goes well xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Moongazer says:

      Thank you xx She’s been ‘asking’ to play again tonight. She purrs the whole time she is chasing the red dot, she loves it. And I’ve had her playing footy with a balled up bit of foil. She’s certainly enjoying the extra play but we’re having problems with the food and are debating a raw diet for all of them as a result.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. vpark3 says:

    Ooo let me know how you get on if you decide to try the raw food diet I’d be interested on how you get on with it as has been something i have been thinking of changing the dogs onto x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Moongazer says:

      I will probably be posting about it lol.
      I honestly dont know how manufacturers can get away with churning out what they do! Cats are carnivores yet the average cat food is only 4% meat. WTF? I have treats here that are higher meat content than their main diet.
      I think it would be easier to move the dogs to raw than the cats because dogs can eat a wider range of foods and generally wont turn their nose up like cats do. But the more I read, the more sense its making xx

      Liked by 1 person

  9. vpark3 says:

    Yeah Tess will eat anything but Coal is the fussiest dog I have ever met! Lol

    Liked by 1 person

    • Moongazer says:

      There’s always one lol
      I just know its going to be Rory that finds the raw food unpalatable. Mitch will steal raw pork chops off the side and him and zoe bring home dead birds and mice. Rory however brings mice home alive and looks very pleased with herself lol

      Liked by 1 person

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