Garden Glories

I don’t know if anyone else’s pets are like this, but my cats absolutely Love it when someone is outside with them. Especially my little Zoe, who I can’t often get photos of as she likes to sleep in places I can’t easily get to, and she is very easily distracted so most photos of her come out blurred because she has moved.

Yesterday, I was sitting outside on my lovely new seat. I had just got settled when I heard this “meow”. Zoe who had been sleeping behind the curtain in the lounge, was at the open lounge window. When I spoke back to her, she jumped out, and ran over to me, tail in the air, and made a massive fuss of me, bless her.

She sat beside me for long enough for me to get a couple of pictures taken, but she was ‘talking’ to me the whole time – as this action shot shows 😀

Zoe in the gardenShe actually looks a bit like she’s telling me off here, or having a good moan LOL





Zoe in garden 1She’s quite a dainty little thing really. You would never believe she is Rory’s sister, apart from by their colouring.

I think I made her day yesterday tho, as we played for quite a while with her very tatty mouse on a string, and then she got some milk 🙂 She loves her some milk!


Zoe in the shadeHaving a breather from chasing the mouse, in a nice piece of shade.






Flower from bex's new patio potAnd finally a pic I am really quite proud of, bearing in mind my usually dire photography skills. And this was taken with my phone too 😀

Littlun came home with a beautiful patio pot filled with these beautiful flowers. I think she’s going to transplant them into a hanging basket tho, as they are all trailing varieties.

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26 Responses to Garden Glories

  1. mariajay76 says:

    Your garden is beautiful! I have been depressed lately and trying to force myself outside in to the nicer weather because getting out in the sun where things are blooming totally changes my mood even when I am in the worst pain. I hope it does the same for you and I’m glad you got some outside time with your cuddly kitty.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Souldiergirl says:

    Hi Zoe!! OMG she’s so cute

    Liked by 1 person

  3. magickmogwai says:

    Zoe is incredibly gorgeous! I love it when you can have a ‘conversation’ with a cat. My cats love it when we go outside too. They like going out on their own but it seems like whoever we go out all three of them will be out with us finding the sunniest (or in Misty’s case the shadiest) place to lie, occasionally running back for strokes and cuddles.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Moongazer says:

      😀 That sounds just like mine. I ended up with all 3 of them yesterday. The girls will happily chat away, but Mitch only talks when you tell him off for something, and it really does sound like he’s swearing at you LOL

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Vicky Louise says:

    What a gorgeous kitty!!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. gh0stpupp3t says:

    Zoe is a beautiful kitteh.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. My cats are all strictly inside cats, but they do enjoy a bit of “window hunting” when there are birds in the yard. Tabitha (I joke that her name means “Graceful Leaper” in Cat) looks a bit like your Zoe. Also a dainty little thing, only about 7 and a half pounds.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. pedanticscouser says:

    Of course whats really needed with photographing cats is something similar to what some plumbers use to temporarily freeze pipes so they can quickly work on them. So a can of instant freeze sprayed on the cat to freeze it for the photograph, now that would be a good product LOL.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Moongazer says:

      Ha!! Can you imagine the kinds of revenge that they’s wreak on us, if we did that?? I can imagine waking up to mouse entrails across my pillow, or shoes being used as the new litter tray LOL


  8. Pretty kitty. The flowers are lovely.
    She did look like she was telling you off… LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    • Moongazer says:

      Thank you 🙂 Littlun is going to get another pot of those flowers for the other hanging basket too 😀
      We don’t have flower beds so we have lots of pots instead 🙂


  9. Our dogs always loved having someone outside with them. Sometimes they wanted us to throw a ball or a stick, sometimes they just wanted to roll around on the grass.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Moongazer says:

      It’s lovely knowing they enjoy your company like that, isn’t it? I ended up playing with the cats outside last night, and once back inside, Zoe was meowing at the door – I don’t think she’d had enough play time with me, bless her.


  10. lydiaa1614 says:

    I can just picture you sitting there enjoying the beauty of your garden and Zoe. She is gorgeous and very photogenic! Your pictures are great! I am so glad you got some time outside.

    Monkey was prowling along the fence earlier and then I couldn’t find her. I went to the front door to find her laying on the porch mat enjoying the view! I didn’t have my camera or phone though!

    Liked by 1 person

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